Author - Haze Long

How my Instagram finally found fame

Business, Geekery

Just thought I give an honest account on how my Instagram finally blew up after being in the dark for half a decade. To justify my findings, I have to admit that I have knowledge of web development,…

10 #bossbabe quotes young successful women can relate to 


I love meeting successful professionals, especially those who are real. They are honest and comfortable being who they are. They do not judge themselves or others, nor do they find fault within themselves or others. It is from…

How to change from painting with acrylics to oils


I started using acrylic a long time ago. All the murals I/we produced we done with emulsion wall paint, a form of acrylic. It is watery, pastel(they have a white base to improve opacity) and transparent(its cheap). We…

10 tips for full time artists and SMEs

Art, Business

As of today, I’ve been in the art industry for more than half a decade. For the most part, I’ve been servicing clients who give their own direction for art and installations. We would be the solution providers…

The business idea of your time


We all know the feeling. The rush of adrenaline, you toss and turn in bed as you keep playing your newest business idea in your head. You start to plan every step and with every step your mind…

The joy of daily painting


I’ve recently started my own journey in daily painting and I am very happy that it is going very well. The art scene in Malaysia has been dipping since the introduction of GST in our wretched lives. Our…