Tag - macro

Photography trip to Firim

Happenings, Photography

I am not very good at macro, don’t really know where to look for living things to shoot. All I could find was spiders and spiders.. The problem with cameras is this, when there is no sunlight right…

Photography Trip to Butterfly Farm

Blog, Happenings, Photography

Something soft focus to start the story. I have this urge to make up a bedtime story. Please indulge me. Twice upon this time, amongst the lilac forest, there lived a kingdom of butterflies. Omg really?.. Please one.…

What happened during Raya 2012

Art, Beauty, Blog, Photography

Most holidays, I stay coped up at home facing the good old Apple but this year’s Raya is a series of eat-athon & photography. Ever since I got my new camera, we’ve been to photography excursions in our…