Author - Haze Long

List of Art Supply stores in Klang Valley


LAST EDITED – 2018 Recently I have been on a shopping spree for art supplies. It is never ending and KY complains non stop. I can basically give a list on all the art supply shops near me…

Adventures in Paintlust


These days are filled with art and music. I am enjoying my job and my life now. Sometimes we have to work at certain events in the middle of town though. We braved the traffic sometimes to get…

Some photos from Bali


Recently, we went to Bali for KY’s birthday. I used Tripit to plan for our holiday, it is also the first holiday I have ever planned. Thank god everything went awesome. Our first destination was Kuta, the epic…

Exploring art styles


Recently, I have made a profound decision to permanently shut off my web development services. The sad thing is, there is a lot of competition in the web design market and clients are usually more or less informed…

Three Movements of a Violinist


And… we continue on our Paintlust journey. Needed some new tools for wall painting. Tools are expensive and they get spoilt so easily. Sometimes we wonder if they are worth it at all. This roller is RM 63…

Through my Eyes


A new artwork I did, can be found from now on at It’s a little project that I decided to start, I’ll be doing illustrations or paintings everyday. Some of them will be available for prints purchase,…